

Interest rate

The "Staking APY" is the yield earned on staking with the Gable validator node.

The "Interest APY" is the yield earned on supplied liquidity, compounding on the staking yield.

The "Total APY" is the multiplication of both APYs (Staking APY * (1 + Interest APY)).

Staking APY


Interest APY


Total APY


Liquidity Dashboard

24 hour volume demonstrated in (1) transaction and (2) XRD volume.

You can click on any of the boxes to see the metric's development over time.

The box values are updated hourly; the charts are updated daily.

Flash Loan Dashboard

24H Volume


24H Volume

Total value locked (TVL) demonstrated as the amount of Gable validator node's LSU that is (1) locked into the contract and (2) total outstanding.

You can click on any of the boxes to see the metric's development over time.

These metrics are updated daily.

TVL Dashboard

LSU Locked


LSU Total


APY Dashboard

The charts below display the annual percentage yield (APY) that is earned by supplying liquidity on Gable.

The personal dashboard provides an as close as possible representation of your position as supplier at Gable.

The table is updated real-time; the charts are updated on a daily basis.

Personal Dashboard

The dashboard below provides a personalized overview of your earnings on Gable. Connect your wallet using the Radix 'Connect' button, to access your customized view or enter the local ID(s) of the Gable 'proof of supply' NFT(s) you own.

Connect your wallet using the 'Connect' button to generate your personal dashboard.

The wallet that you connected is not yet a liquidity supplier at Gable. Supply liquidity to generate your personal dashboard.

NFT Local ID

LSU Amount

Staking Rewards

Interest Earnings